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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Peres: Use Facebook to Fight Bigotry

Peres: Use Facebook to Fight Bigotry
"Israel's 84-year-old president has a novel idea on how to battle anti-Semitism: Facebook.

Shimon Peres told a group of international students on Tuesday at Israel's Holocaust memorial that the popular social networking site was an effective means to counter the spread of hate and incitement on the Internet."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If Shimon Peres wants to combat anti-Semitism on the web, he can do more with one phone call to Steve Newhouse, head of the Conde Nast publishing conglomerate, than 3-million students can doon Facebook in 10 years.

Conde Nast runs Reddit, a social networking site publicized throughout the web. At Reddit every third night is a virtual reality kristallnacht, the Jew bashing never stops. No other mainstream, as opposed to niche, web site has been taken over by the anti-Semites the way Reddit has.

A word from Newhouse could stop it. Reddit just has to enforce its User Agreement. A word from Peres to Newhouse may elicit that word.

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